Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1.  List your topic here:

My topic is Surfing and Surfboard Shaping.

2.  What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).
  • iPoly Citizen
  • Effective Learner
  • Effective User of Technology
  • Effective Communicator 
As an iPoly Citizen I plan to lay myself out on the market this year. I want to be the easily approachable Senior on campus. If anyone needs help wether they are a fellow Senior or a Freshman, i'll try my best to help them in any which way that I can. I also want to try and get myself out of my comfort zone, especially within the walls of the classroom.

To show growth as a Effective Learner I want to try and make the most of class time and cut down on the procrastination. Sometimes I feel that I don't make the most of my time due to lack of asking questions in class. There are times where I get stuck on a problem and don't ask for help. I hope to try and be less stubborn this year and give in to asking for help. Now for the procrastination part, well I just need to cut that out and get with the program. After all, I am a Senior.

In order to show growth as a Effective User of Technology I hope to Improve my skills with power point. Power point is an essential tool when it comes to presentations. Last year I saw some of the seniors power points for senior presentations and a lot of them left me in awe. I hope to be able to make a power point as good as those throughout this year, especially for senior project at the end.

To show that I am a Effective Communicator throughout this year I hope to improve on both voicing my opinion. Last year there were many times where I was in a group setting and everyone was dishing out idea for project stuff and sometime we would pick an idea where Inside I didn't really agree with it because I felt there was some kind of flaw. So I would end up just holding it in because I didn't want to make my group members irritated with me. On some of these occasion I really felt like I took away from the group because that idea that I felt was flawed really was flawed and what made it worst was that it cost my group the grade. So if I would have mentioned it earlier I might have been able to save us from getting docked a grade. This year I hope to do better in this category.   

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